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Old March 31st, 2009, 06:21   #4
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Originally Posted by dp View Post
We are investigating this issue as we speak. The DNS theory I mentioned above seems to be false. You can verify this yourself by starting the command prompt (cmd) and typing tracert If it lists a bunch of addresses, but stops after outputting several lines of "Request timed out", then you have the same problem as the other users that can't connect.

We don't yet know why our server rejects some of you, but we can tell you that we didn't mean for that to happen. No-one has intentionally been banned at that level.

I will post updates to this problem in this thread, so please check it out from time to time.
Hi dp,
I am now able to get in. Here is what happened- I bought the latest daisy clip from But i was not able to download it as it was hosted on I figured it was the same problem as here and i found out that if i tracert both these sites i was getting stuck at that same point. So i sent that same tracert window to their tech support and he gave me this reply - "Try it again. Your IP address is in a previously unused range and was being blocked by a firewall rule."
So i guess it is the same problem for everyone. Now i m able to get in, but others might need to get their ips registered with them.
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