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Old January 1st, 2019, 18:50   #24
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Dating sites like OkCupid or POF definitely can work, albeit you need to be VERY patient since it entails a lot of searching, a lot of sending out messages, and a lot of waiting with no results.

However, you can do searches for women who list interests in crossfit, powerlifting, olympic lifting, wrestling, pro wrestling, cheerleading, etc... I've met a few girls who have given me quite a lot of lifts via online dating. I've also met some who wouldn't or couldn't.

Just understand that it's a numbers games, and so 95% of the queries you send out are going to get ignored -- especially if you go into something odd like L&C off the bat. Even when I jokingly made a crack to women who did crossfit about piggyback rides or lifting cars over their heads, it usually got ignored.

And also, since this is online dating -- don't expect any of these encounters to last too long ;-)

As for in the interaction itself -- yeah, typically make it about goofing around and having fun. Offer a lift first so that then you can say "My turn!" after you oblige her. Can also play truth or dare. And if they're already strong and lift weights, that's golden for talking about it and leading into getting lifted. Good luck hiding your arousal, though ;-)

The really best way? Find a girl who is likely strong enough to pull off lifting you -- and connect with her on a personal/social level. She's only going to warm up to you and be more open to indulging the strange things you want her to do if she feels you're not trying to take advantage of her. And especially online, women are very much on high alert when it comes to that.

In other words -- pursue strong women for more than just their ability to lift you. Pursue them because you actually like her for more than just her strength -- but because you actually find her interesting and fun. After all, if she likes you, enjoys your company, and doesn't feel you're smooth talking her, you'll get LOTS more lifts out of it ;-)
mark.johnson21 is offline  
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