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Beoble November 3rd, 2017 04:52

Lapsitting !!!
I am wondering
Do you consider lapsitting as a lift carry or not ?
For me I do

dodge77 November 4th, 2017 18:29


Originally Posted by Beoble (Post 202475)
I am wondering
Do you consider lapsitting as a lift carry or not ?
For me I do

I do too. Lately I?ve enjoyed sitting on my wife?s lap. She has very smooth legs too so it feels even better. Or I like to straddle one of her thighs. She has been deadlifting and squatting so she has really strong legs. She hasn?t lifted me yet, but she sure has control when I sit on her lap!

mdavidstar November 6th, 2017 18:41

I don't think there's a definite answer. As with L&C, the person you're sitting on is supporting you.

All I know, for myself, is that it presses the same buttons as L&C. Actually, it presses those buttons even harder, as lapsitting is my main fetish. Like dodge77, I've spent many happy hours on my wife's lap, feeling as if she had control and was caring for me.

tjw1971 November 6th, 2017 21:10

I think it can be ....
It's definitely something I've always seen a little bit of shared as photos or video in the whole "L&C community" -- so obviously some people are into it.

I think it may or may not be of interest to a person into L&C, depending on what it is about L&C they like? For example, quite a few guys seem to like L&C because they like that whole aspect of the female taking a controlling/dominant position over them. If you're lap-sitting on them, it's sort of a "role reversal" over what's traditionally expected and a reminder of playing the role of a kid sitting on an adult's lap.

Personally, that's not exactly what I like about L&C... For me, I just have more of an interest in female muscle and strength. So a normal sitting in a gal's lap might not be all that interesting to me, given it's not much of a feat of strength.

What I find much more interesting is when a woman turns it into more of a workout or show of leg strength. I experienced this for the first time, many years ago, at an office I worked in. They hired a gal as a front office assistant who was honestly a little "trashy" ... cursed a bit too often for an office job and often wore rather provocative clothing items. (Typically such things as really short skirts with black fishnet hose.) She had kind of a thick, curvy build and really nice leg muscles though. On several occasions, I was called up to the front office to help her with phone or computer issues, and each time - she told me to have a seat in her lap instead of having me stand, or go to get another chair.

The first time, she immediately told me to straddle one thigh instead of sitting on both legs and proceeded to slowly point her toes and lift me up a bit on her leg, and lower it again. When it was obvious I wasn't protesting, she kept it up while letting me fix her computer issue. About half way through, she discreetly took one of my hands and rested it on her calf, so I could feel it bulging. She whispered in my ear, "Pretty hard, isn't it? I gotta get in my leg workouts anywhere I can! Didn't seem like you minded."

After that, the other times I was called up there, she immediately motioned for me to just straddle one leg, and went through the same thing, telling me when to switch legs so she could get her leg exercise for both of them.


Originally Posted by Beoble (Post 202475)
I am wondering
Do you consider lapsitting as a lift carry or not ?
For me I do

tragmich November 8th, 2017 15:26


Originally Posted by Beoble (Post 202475)
Do you consider lapsitting as a lift carry or not ?


We have a few threads dedicated to lapsitting to please the friends of it. All lapsitting material must be posted in those threads.

liftee14 December 20th, 2017 15:55

To me not exactly LC but still pretty interesting.The Feeling of putting your weight on some woman's lap?...good feeling.

vk December 22nd, 2017 22:03


Originally Posted by Beoble (Post 202475)
I am wondering
Do you consider lapsitting as a lift carry or not ?
For me I do

In my point of view,
in a flat place,
in the case of two persons A and B,
if B does not touch the soil due to an action of A,
then it is L&C.

After that tastes depend on individuals.

upandaway January 8th, 2018 20:06

lap sitting is more of a passive action
not in my opinion, since it involves no real physical effort.:hmm:

philosmarkxyz January 8th, 2018 21:51

either way, it's still hot
The Alexis Grace (RIP) lapsitting video - OMG - is just so hot. Makes my blood boil.

adfimus January 11th, 2018 16:59

I don't think it's part of L & C !

As fun and pleasure, I'm not (very) interested in this type.

However, it should be noted that in some scenes of L & C, we see many girls who always start with Lapsitting before moving on to the serious things, as Cradle, Front, Shoulder ... etc.

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